Romantic Spots in Seoul to Explore in Summer

Romantic Spots in Seoul to Explore in Summer


When we are in love, we are always looking for the most romantic place to visit with our soulmate and have a fantasy like experience and create beautiful memories that will last for eternity in our hearts and minds so we are glad to see you around here Seoulmates, we hope you are prepared for the big reveal of Seoul’s mightiest romantic fantasy place where is must to visit with your soulmate!

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

The perfect romantic spot you can find in Seoul is the N Seoul Tower, a place you can say it comes from a love story. The tower has an amazing view from Mt. Namsan making it even a better place to declare your eternal love.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

What makes this place so special? Well, it has a unique place to put a lock with your significant other’s and you name with a lovely message, throwing away the keys and this would symbolize eternal love between the couple. It is said that this idea originated from locals who saw this love promise at the Tokyo Tower.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

With the years N Seoul Tower has become one of Korea’s most romantic spots to explore when visiting the country, lots of tourists, local and international (USA, Japan, China and more) visits the venue in the search of eternal love.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

Similar Love Locks can be found in cities like Paris and Prague, but nothing compared to the deep meaning the Love Locks have in N Seoul Tower since there are several spots where couples can place their lock. There are two plazas, in one you can find “trees” in which locks are placed, and on the second plaza you count with fences in which you can demonstrate your eternal love.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

A heart-shaped metal sculpture can also be found in this plaza, which is decorated with the words "I Love You", and a lovely heart-shaped chair to have a nice instagrammable picture taken. When placing a lock, since there a thousand of them as you can appreciate in the pictures you will need to really dig in for a place you can consider the perfect spot.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

After professing your love, you can end the day perfectly by going on a dinner to the restaurant of your choice, there are plenty to choose from, down the tower and up as well.

Address: 105 Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Honorable Mention of Romantic Spots in Seoul

Petite France

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

A romantic European fantasy in Korea! This lovely small town is inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s famous novel “Le Petit Prince” (The Little Prince).

On this town you will find Le Petit Prince inspired art around, colorful and French-style architecture on buildings, activities like classical music (perfect for a romantic moment) demonstrations at the Orgel House and last but not least, plenty of shops and restaurant to enjoy with your partner.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

Address: 1063 Hoban-ro, Oeseo-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do

Cheonggyecheon Stream

 (Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

This 8.4-kilometer-long stream lies more than 15 feet below earth and is part of an urban renewal project. It acts as a secret sanctuary amid Seoul's busy metropolitan core. Particularly in the evening, many couples take walks by this stream for a romantic nighttime stroll which will be enhanced by the gorgeous lights and fountains you pass along the route.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

Besides the gorgeous streams, every year “The Seoul Lantern Festival” takes place here, with hundreds of beautifully crafted lantern decorations along the stream during this festival. Each lantern offers a unique tale that melts your heart as it softly illuminates in the autumnal night. Even better, you can purchase your own lantern and make a wish with a special someone.

Address: 1 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Nami Island

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

A popular tourist’s destination in Seoul has become ideal for couples wishing a get away from boring dates to a more adventurous one with beautiful settings and scenery.  The whole island can be explored, which is a great date idea. You and your soulmate can pass by famous Korean drama filming spots, and why not recreate some of this drama’s scenarios enjoying the beautiful natural present on the island while riding a train and having some company by its wildlife, just as if you were Snow White.

(Image: Credits to the rightful owner)

Nami Island can be the perfect romantic spot to have a picnic with a bottle of wine, cheese and grapes, its breathtaking beauty around you will create beautiful memoires of the romantic date.

Address: 1 Namisum-gil, Namsan-myeon, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do

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Author: Aldo

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